Hey everyone.
Been really busy this last month. Almost got my new studio finished now so really glad about that. I have had a few sittings there this last week and everyone commented on how good it looks. It isn't as big as I would have liked but it is big enough to let me do almost anything I want. If things work out the way I've planned though I should be moving to a bigger unit within the same building sometime mid next year. I have put a couple of images of the studio up for you all to see. My good friend Kim Treffinger from San Diego California www.treffingerstudio.com sent me a message on Facebook asking when I was going to let every see the place so I made a point of taking a few shots just for her. She gets so cranky if you don't do as your told you know! Only joking Kim. Looking foreword to january and the SWPP convention. I think I have my seminar just about worked out now. I have tried to put as much info into it as I can and lots of humour too so as to keep everyone awake.
Anyway time to get some more work done,
Speak later.