Welcome to another norton photography I had a great time last week. I was asked by our local Asda store to help them out with their charity fund raising events and so went along with my mobile studio to photograph the best Baby and Toddler of the day event. Well I started at 9am and 67 babies later at 4pm I was able to pack my gear away. It was manic. We manage to raise about £350.00 on the day so I was really pleased with the out come.
On Saturday I went down to High Wycombe where my 15 year old niece Melissa was performing in a dance troupe at the Wycombe Swan Theatre. She had only been given ten days to rehears but wow! she was amazing, so professional I was blown away.
I had the great pleasure of meeting the beautiful Melinda Messenger. She was in town on personal business and dropped into the White Hart Hotel for lunch. Never being one to miss an oportunity to talk to a georgious girl I was able to get a couple of shots of her with myself and Alan the hotel manager before she went for walk around the town centre with her family.
I would like to extend a very warm thank you to her as she was so friendly and welcoming which for a celebrity with her status is rare. If you read this Melinda and you are in town again in the futre please look me up. I would love to do lunch with you. Maybe you could visit the Norton Photography studio for a family portrait. LOL!