Friday, June 04, 2010

Hi everyone.
Well Tuesday saw the first of my special Norton Photography event nights starting with
a trip over to Nottingham where I have the use of a private suite at The Nottingham Trent Arena.
I had twenty people join me and we all boarded onto a luxury coach supplied by Sleafordian Coaches of Sleaford which left Boston around 5.30pm. We were due to leave at 5.15pm but someone forgot their handbag and had to return home to pick it up. I won't embarrass Lindsay by letting everyone know it was her though.
Anyway we arrived in plenty of time and was able to bypass all the ques and go straight up to the VIP lounge on the fourth floor where we all treated to cocktails and nachos until it was time to go through to our suite which was high up above the stage giving us great views of all the action.
Supporting Leona Lewis was Gabriella Cillmi and she was awesome. Then after a short break it was time for Leona to come on stage. The theatre was electric with with the whole audience shouting and screeming.
The night was fantastic and Rachel our personal waitress was just superb. She had to endure all my terrible jokes all evening but this didn't put her off at all and she was still smiling when we left so I think she survived the ordeal.
Leona finished her concert at around 10.30pm and we all climbed back onto the coach and arrived back in Boston just after midnight.
My good friend Colin Simpson then had to go home, get changed and then get to work as he was working night shift. Poor old Colin!
I am arranging another VIP night out for Saturday December 11th to go and see JLS. Once again this will be at The Nottingham Trent Arena with full VIP status in a private suite, cocktails on arrival and a free Special Burger for everyone as well. Tickets are only £97.00 and already selling fast so if you would like to join me then get in qiuck!!!
Anyway must get back to work, Sooooo much to do!
I will castch up again soon.
Take good care everyone.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hi everyone.
I have had the most amazing few weeks here at Norton Photography.
Last week saw me photographing a fantastic new model.
As it turned out I'd known her family for quite along time but never met the beautiful Lindsey Gilbert due to her living down in London.
She came to me because she had heard from her sister about my being a fashion photographer and wanted me to photograph her for FHM magazine as she has entered into their Holiday Honeys competition and needed images for the magazine and her own website
I truly believe she could win this and want any one who reads this and agrees with me to vote for her so that she has a better chance of winning.
If any photographers are reading this then you really should contact Lindsey if you need a model for any assignments as she is so versatile.
We had a Boudoir style photoshoot for her publicity images and then this week she helped me by modeling for two of my seminars. One seminar was on Thursday and was for a wedding business start up course and Lindsey was brilliant! She really did work hard and I felt so sorry for her as she dressed as a bride and although the dress she wore was beautiful it was very low cut and the weather was freezing cold at old church I use here in Lincolnshire. I did take along a nice warm fleece blanket for her which helped but Anne who was my student and I could see Lindsey was suffering.
But she soldiered on and we got some great shots as you will see below.

I would also like to say a big thanks to all the fantastic people who signed up and joined me for my Business start up and One Day Studio Lighting seminars. I met some fantastic people and am so excited for them with their plans to set up their own businesses.
It never stops amazing how much people put into improving their lives when they want to change the direction they were heading in. They put so much effort into everything they do and come to me with such great ideas and self drive.
One particular delegate that I really admired is Jilly from Robin Hoods Bay near Scarborough.
She has a property in the main part of the town that she had been renting out for years and when the tenants decided to move out she had a decision to make. Should she try to sell it or could she put it to better use? Well she decided on the latter and now she has a fantastic Old Times Style studio called The Memory Box where she photographs and prints images for tourists and locals alike.
What makes her amazing is that she had never done anything like this before but with the help of her daughter she intends to give it all she has and make a really successful business and judging buy the things she was telling me she is destined for great things.
If your in the area of Robin Hoods bay drop in on her and say hello!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Special Valentines Lovers Gift Offer

Hi everyone. Well Colin and I have been back from the SWPP convention for a couple of weeks now so I guess it's time to get down and plan out what Norton Photography is going to be offering our clients over the next year.
We have some great things planned and will be rolling them out over the next couple of months starting with this incredible offer:

Due to the massive success we had last year we have just re-launched our Valentines Lovers Gift. A special way to say I love you!! With a gift of you from you!
E-sensualboudoir at Norton Photography are again offering Free boudoir sittings to the first TEN ladies or Guys to call us up and ask us to get them booked in in time for Valentines day.
These sittings designed to show off lingerie and lace or artistic style nudes are confidential shoots and for you and your partner eyes only.
The studio shoot can be for couples, as a gift of 'you from you' to your partner or simply just for you.
You will not be charged for your photoshoot. All you are required to pay for are any prints you you feel you would like to purchase and we know you will love all of them!!
Your images will be placed on our secure website gallery using a pass word supplied by you.
This was so good last year that we were fully booked in just two days so don't be shy as this IS limited to TEN sittings only.
So call the studio now to secure your special place on this once a year only incredible offer.
Go on ! It feels so good to be naughty!
For fast track bookings call direct on 07876795710 or 01205351899

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Hi everyone.
So what's been happening over the last month?
December saw my camera clubs first exhibition which was amazing. We had around 70 people attend our opening night with everyone having great reviews about their work. No one was given a negative remark.
Dan Goodyear was even lucky enough to sell his image of Skegness pier which took him by surprise although we all new it was a very commercial style image.
As I write I am in London at the SWPP photography convention.
It has been great catching up with all my friends and colleges that I only get to see once a year.
I was reminded today by my fiend Sue Greetham that I was not keeping up with my blog again so I promised her I would get right on it tonight and not being one to go back on my word I am doing just that.
She was really excited when she showed me how she had just completed re-branding all her marketing material including her website which is just fantastic. You can take a look for yourself at
Since arriving here at the convention I have also bumped into my good friends Celia & Abbey only to go and have a senior attack of memory loss while introducing the girls another close friend Colin when I just could not remember Celia's name. I felt so embarrassed as after know her for about four years that is like forgetting my own name. Anyway she was good enough to laugh it off although she must have been a little put out .
Anyway about time I got some sleep as we have an early start tomorrow so I will say by for now and I will try to write again this week with more updates of what has been going on at SWPP 2010.