Saturday, December 06, 2008

Hey everyone.
Been really busy this last month. Almost got my new studio finished now so really glad about that. I have had a few sittings there this last week and everyone commented on how good it looks. It isn't as big as I would have liked but it is big enough to let me do almost anything I want. If things work out the way I've planned though I should be moving to a bigger unit within the same building sometime mid next year. I have put a couple of images of the studio up for you all to see. My good friend Kim Treffinger from San Diego California sent me a message on Facebook asking when I was going to let every see the place so I made a point of taking a few shots just for her. She gets so cranky if you don't do as your told you know! Only joking Kim. Looking foreword to january and the SWPP convention. I think I have my seminar just about worked out now. I have tried to put as much info into it as I can and lots of humour too so as to keep everyone awake.
Anyway time to get some more work done,
Speak later.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Hey everyone.
I was told by my good friend Andrea the other day that I was not updating my my blog often enough. So here I am again letting you all know what I have been up to. I have a little story to tell you about and how I feel our health care is not what it should be. As some of my close friends know I have been suffering from a severe headache since 2002. It is always there but a different levels each day. I have learned to live with the pain now and don't pay too much attention to it. About a month ago I went to see my doctor and he referred me to a neurologist at Queens Medical Centre in Nottingham. I was given an examination (to my head before you get any silly ideas) and he felt I needed to have a brain scan. This came through quite quickly, in fact I was back at the hospital two weeks later laying down in the big noisy machine feeling like the filling being pushed into a sausage roll. Here I am now a further two weeks later and I've just received a letter saying "We are pleased to say that we have found no tumours, Aneurysms or diseases within you brain area. Your headaches will stop sometime in the future. Yours so on so on. Now stop me for being senile but how long is in the future. I've been suffering this for six years already with no let up and no real diagnosis from all the specialists. Does it mean that because I've had a scan that it is some kind of super machine that has somehow started to reverse the pain. If so it's not working yet!!! Well thanks for nothing. I took two days off work and a fortune was spent on getting to Nottingham only to be told NOTHING!! I could have told myself that for free. Anyway enough ranting.
Now for some good news. Last week I finaly got moved into my new studio. It is not massive but it is a lot better than where I was. I'm already getting bookings for sittings and have this week launched a new camera club for the Boston area. I've also decided that I am going to be letting other photographers have the use of the place as well (for a small fee of course). I'm also going to start holding photography courses once a month for those who would like to get into the photography business. I did this a year or so ago and they were very well received.
If anyone knows of people who would like to get into modelling, I am setting up a model register. I will be using models from time to time myself for regular shoots and I will also be trying to get work for them as well. So far I have a couple of students who wish to photograph subjects so as to gain knowledge of how a studio lighting setup works and for this I will need to use a couple of models myself.
Andrew, who came to me last monthfor a portfolio had his first modelling gig last sunday. I managed to get him a job where he was showing off male wedding outfits for a local outlet and looked really good up on the catwalk so look out fashion-tv he's on his way.
If your reading this Kim, I hope you've got sorted out with the course that never happened.
Oh yes and good luck to my chinese friends Shelly & Harry on the opening of their new resaurant in Grantham on Monday night. I'm really looking foreward to being there watching the dancing dragons and the firecrackers.


Thursday, October 02, 2008

Hey everyone.
Thought it about time I posted another message.
I've been really busy of late what with weddings, kids and commercial photography work that has come my way. A couple of weeks ago I photographed my last wedding for this year. It was a real blast. Nicola and Darron both looked fabulous. Obviously Nicola looked better than Darron though.Ha!Ha! Check out their slideshow in my videos at the top of my blog. This week saw me doing a bit of charity work for When You Wish Upon A Star. They held a charity sports nigh over in Spalding and Neil 'Razor' Ruddock and Funny comedienne Mandy Knight came down to help out. Also we had a special guest appearence from Titan the robot. He was brilliant! I have posted a few pictures here on my blog so check them out.
I had a great day out with a cool guy a couple of weekends ago. Andy crook is the nephew of an old school friend of mine and he contacted me and asked if I would put a portfolio together for him as he would really love to get into modelling. We headed of out to Heckington Hall which is about ten miles from my home in Boston where we spent most of the day and got some really great shots for his album.
Speak to you all very soon.Pete.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Latest news

Hi everyone. Great news! I have just signed a contract with the SWPP (Society of Portrait & Wedding Photographers) as I've been asked to hold a two hour seminar on children's photography at their 2009 convention at the Novotel Hotel, Hamersmith, London in January. I am really amped about it. I will be talking alongside some of the best photographers and speakers in the world. What an honour.I have now just about recovered from my bike ride and would just like to thank everone who helped me and of course all those who sponsored me.
More later.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Made it !!!!

I made it. It was really hard going though. I started out from the Humber bridge just after mid day on Tuesday. The weather was just right for cycling as it was not too hot or windy. I had to try to block out any thoughts of how far I had to go as I had made it my goal to make my brother Kevin's house in Warwick my first stop over. The route took me through some really picturesque towns and villages and before I realised it I had traveled almost seventy miles.Great I though! but I still had a long way to go though and finally reached my destination between eleven and midnight totally shattered and with serious backside pain. I sat outside on Kevin and my sister in law Karen's patio and between us we managed to drink two bottles of wine in celebration. At six thirty next morning I got up showered, dressed and had some breakfast then it was time to check the bike over ready to get started again. I set off around seven and withing a couple of miles almost decided to give up. The pain when I sat on the saddle was almost unbearable but after about an hour it seemed to ease off. I had it mind to stop and find somewhere to stay when I reached Cheltenham. When I got there I stopped in at a Brewers fayre pub for a coke. With the help of a Tom Tom I realised I was only about thrty odd miles from the Severn Bridge so after a drink I set off again and at around four thirty I was at the Bridge Services looking at the awsome site that joins Bristol with Wales. I can't tell you how good it felt knowing that I was not going to have peddle one more metre. Oh joy!!!
All thats left for me to say is a big thankyou to everyone that made this possible.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Sponsored Bike Ride!!!!!

Well today is the day. I am finally getting off on my Sponsored bike ride. I will be driving up to the Humber bridge this morning with the intention of starting at 12 O'clock. My first overnight stop off is going to be in Warwick. I realise that this is very ambitious but unfortunately I couldn't get any of the B&B's I called to put me up FOC. Shame really as I had offered free advertising for them here on my blog and my website. "Their loss". I chose Warwick as my brother and sister in law live there and have offered to let my stay with them for the night. Handy as well because they own the Tea rooms in St Nicholas Park opposite Warwick Castle so I will get a good breakfast tomorrow to set me up for the day! Their cafe is so cool. It is an old building with a thatched roof and a patio area outside where you can just sit and watch the world go by. If your in the area call in and mention my name and who knows you might get the VIP treatment.
Anyway best get going. Lots to do still. I will be taking pictures along the way so keep looking at my blog to how I'm getting on.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Hi everyone. I just finished putting together a slideshow for Kat & Tom who's wedding I shot last week. They are such a cool couple and we had a real blast on the day.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Hi everyone.
I thought it was about time I updated here again.
So much has happened since I last posted but the most major thing was my computer crashed in a big way. I upgraded the memory so that I could speed things up a bit and by accident managed to pull a wire off my hard drive. When I switched on again it wiped out everything. I got my friend Glyn Dale from Action Response Computing to come over to fix it but it was dead. He had to completely re-install Windows XP for me. This meant I now had to re-install all my programs as well. It has taken me almost two weeks to get them back in. It's not until something like this happens that you realise just how much stuff you have stored in there. Luckily I have a strict rule of back everything up on a separate hard drive and anything really important gets burned onto disc as well so that side of things was OK. Never the less a real pain though.
One thing I thought I had lost though was a few images I took at a seminar day I attended at Photomarts London showroom. It was a great day and I learned so much. We even had the chance to photograph two stunning models. Sarah was the first to be photographed. She actually held the title of Miss Trinidad & Tobago so it goes without saying she is gorgeous. I felt so sorry for her though. It was a cold showery day and she had to pretend she was on a sun drenched beach in the Caribbean. She even had to get her hair all wet by dunking her head in a bucket of water. Sarah you're a star! In the afternoon we were inside and took a class on studio lighting setups with Jon Gray a well know fashion photographer. For this lesson we had the honour of photographing Katie a very well established model. She had photographers at the show almost fighting to get her images into their cameras. All in the name of proessionalism though! Saying that we all had a great day. Thanks to Simon and his staff for looking after us all ( and the great buffet to). I'm so looking forward to the next event. Oh yeah. My sponsored bike ride has now been rebooked and I will start peddaling on 24 July and nothing bar being dead is gong to get in the way this time!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hi everybody!
Just to update you all on what's been happening. I shot two amazing weddings over the last month. Jenna and Simon were married in Spalding on 31st May. We had such a blast. The weather was really nice and after a few group shots at Ayscouphfee Hall we all headed off to the old Sugar beat factory's comunity centre for a superb reception.
A week later I was back in Spalding "well Pinchbeck just outside Spalding" having another wale of a time at the wedding of Zoe And Andrew. They are such a great couple. Even tough it rained a little every one was so up for having their pictures taken. Even the horses pulling the carriage were smiling at my camera lens.
This week saw the introduction of Trash The Dress to my wedding packages.
This is so cool. It's been around for some time in the States but is still very new here in the UK. We don't really trash the dress we just get it a little wet and maybe a tad dirty. The idea being that brides can get a Little more from their dresses by having even more fun than on their wedding night. I took my good friend and model Anastasia over to Hubbards Hills near Louth in Lincolnshire where we had THE BEST time possible with a camera a wedding dress and a fast running stream as you can see from these pictures. For more info on this take a look on my website. You don't have to have had me photograph your wedding to book a Trash The Dress session with me. Just give me a ring and we'll get you splashing around for yourself!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Worth reading!

I was looking at my American friend David jays blog the other day and I came across this. It was written by a Dr Moorhead - The former pastor of Overlake Christian Church in Redmond, Washington.

The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers,wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgement, more experts, yet more problems, more medicines, but less wellness.

We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.

We have multiplied our possessions,but reduced our values. We talk too much, love to seldom and hate too often.

We've learned how to make a living, but not a life. We've added years to life not life to years.
We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbour. We conquered outer space but not inner space. We've done larger things, but not better things.

We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We've conquered the atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less. We plan more but accomplish less. We've learned to rush, but not to wait. We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less.

These are the times of fast food and slow digestion, big men and small character, steep profits and shallow relationships. These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes. These are the days of quick trips, disposable nappies, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill.
It is a time when there is too much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom. A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete...

Remember to: spend more time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever.

Remember to: say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side.

Remember to: give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a penny.

Remember to: say I "love you" to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it. A kiss and embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside you.

Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again.

Give time to love, give time to speak! And give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind.

And always remember: Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sponsored Bike Ride

Ahhh!!! Bad news. I have had to postpone my bike ride till next month. Things have got really busy for me with my photography business and I can't afford the time out this week. I'm really disappointed about it but I will be putting some time to one side so that I can carry out my ride next month instead. Also it will give me a chance to hopefully get more sponsors and raise more cash for the kids. I'll let you know the dates as soon as poss.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Hi everyone.
Good news. I now have a fixed date for the sponsored bike ride.
I will be setting off from the Hull side of the Humber Bridge at around 10am on May 19th.
I hope to arrive at the Severn Bridge sometime mid afternoon on Thursday May 22nd.
We still haven't managed to get any overnight accommodation as yet. Those I have approached so far have not been willing to help out. I'll keep trying though.
It looks like I will be joined at various points along the way by my good friend Sean. He won't riding his bike though. He has volunteered to drive his car and carry all the back up stuff (and the sandwiches as well) for me.
I intend taking pictures as I make my way down to Bristol so keep your eyes out for those and don't be to put off by the the Spandex shorts.
Speak to you all soon.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Hi everyone.
Well I've been back from the states just over a week now but I am still really suffering from jet lag. I getting so little sleep at the moment. If anyone has any solutions to this problem please please let me know what they are. I am putting together a slide show of Las Vegas today that I hope to get posted on here for you all to see. It is such an awesome place.
I also intend getting back into training for my sponsored bike ride this weekend.
I did do a lot of walking when I was away so hopefully I am not too much out of condition.
Speak to you all soon and look out for the slide show.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Hi everyone. Oh yeah and you Sean if your reading.
I am out in Las Vegas at the moment at the WPPI (Wedding And Portrait Photographers International) photography convention. It has been a hectic day today sliding from one seminar to another but the speakers were awesome. The weather here is a little overcast but still warm enough to just walk around in shirtsleeves.There are a few more hotels here that were only foundations when I was here last March. They seem to be able to build them so fast. I had a look around one them yesterday. It was huge.
Today I bumped into a fantastic person I met out here last year.Her name is Charmain Beleele also known as Lois Lane as she writes for Rangefinder Magazine which is a monthly publication for WPPI members that goes out all over the world. She is such a warm friendly genuine person that you just cant help falling in love with her. I hope we can find a spare five minutes while I'm here to catch up with all that's been happening in her busy world gathering storeys while running her photography studio at the same time.
Well it's now ten minutes to three in the morning here so I think I'd bette try to get some shuteye. At my age I'm starting to need it! Ha! Ha!
Take care and speak to you all soon.
By for now.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Hi everyone. The last couple of weeks have been a bit on the slow side really so not much to report. I've been photographing quite a few kids with my other photography business Little Devils Portraits which has been such a blast. When I'm on a kids shoot they have so much energy and we have great fun. I'm quite a kid myself even at 43, but it always gives me the chance to let out the child in me as I've never really grown up. I was asked to go out and photograph 40 acres of waste land for a client this week wich was a little different to taking portraits of people. I've managed to get to the gymn a bit more as well and I have also been getting out on my bike trying to get more practice in for my sponsored ride in May. It was made a little easier on saturday as my good friend Anya came along for part of the way. She made a real effort as well as it was freezing cold but it did warm up a little later on though.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Hi everyone.
I had a very interesting day today. I was asked by my good friend Darren if I would cover his stand at the Branston Hall wedding fair for him. Now that's all very well and of course I said yes but I'm a photographer and Darren is a pro-magician. It was really weird having people coming over to me and saying "go on then show us a trick". When I told them I was actually just standing in for a friend they just quietly took a flier and walked away mumbling something under their breath.
I didn't have the heart to tell them I'd actually stuffed one of my own fliers into the one I'd handed them. So who got the last laugh ay?
Had a good day though. Hi to Tracey & Martin if your reading this.
Oh yeah. I'm back in training tomorrow trying to get into shape for my sponsoed bike ride in May.
More soon.
By for now.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Hi everyone.
Just got back from SWPP convention. I had a fantastic time. The organisers Phil And Juliet Jones really did a god job putting it all together. The speakers at all the seminars I attended were awesome. Gerald Hardage gave a great talk on fine art nudes with the help of his beautiful model Ashley Rae.
Kevin Kubota had an early start to the day with his talk on what motivates him to take such great images and Katerine Connor just had so much energy when she gave her lectures on business and marketing.
I spent far too much money at the trade show but I've been needing to upgrade on some of my equipment for quite a time.
The awards dinner was ace. I was very honoured to be sat with three wonderful people from the states, Ken Skulte, Judy Host, and Amy Cantrell. They are such nice people and I'm really looking forward to meeting up with them again at WPPI in March.
We were all dressed in our tuxedos and the ladies looked very gracious in their dresses and gowns. The caterers served a fantastic meal and straight after coffee the awards were handed out to some very deserving and talented photographers.
I'm absolutely shattered now but tomorrow morning I'll be up bright and early going over my notes and putting to use some of the new things I've learned.
If your reading this it was great to see you Alex and keep the faith.
Before I go I would like to thank Howard from the Image File for all the help and time you gave me on Sunday. I'll be putting to use your suggestions very soon.
Take care everyone
By for now

Monday, January 14, 2008

Hi everyone.

Well I'm all packed and ready to set of in the morning and head down to London to the SWPP photography convention.
The convention doesn't start till Wednesday but I'm going into the city to check out a few venues. I'm shooting a wedding promo on the 25th & 26th February which is all going to be shot on location in London so I'm looking to get some of the famous sights and landmarks in the background.
As usual I will be on the lookout for more images for my forthcoming exhibition "Life Through a Window." I'll bring you more up to date with that nearer the time. I'm getting some really great stuff and finding putting it all together real exciting.
As anyone who knows me or my other photography business Little Devils Portraits you'll know by now that I am embarking on a sponsored cycle ride. For the past two years we have been trying to help the When You Wish Upon A Star foundation for sick and terminally ill children. This year I wanted to do something a bit more proactive ( as well something to help me shed those Christmas Pounds) so I've decided to ride my mountain bike from The Humber Bridge which connects Lincolnshire to East Yorkshire down to the Severn Bridge in Bristol, which is going to be around 240 miles.
I started training at my local sports centre this week as well as putting my bike through its paces with daily rides around the local countryside.
I know it's going to be really hard getting into shape but I think it will be so worth it.
I'm going to be looking for places I can stop over each day when I'm on my way so If anyone can help me out then drop me a line.
Speak soon

Monday, January 07, 2008

Hey everyone and a very happy new year.
As you can see I've now got around to introducing a blog to the site so that we can keep you up to date with all that's going on here at Norton Photography.
As it's January and things are a little slow I've decided to use the time to overhaul the business and to make it better for our customers. We are making some amazing changes to the way we do things in 2008 starting with updating nearly all of our albums and will hope to have sample units with us sometime mid February for you to look at.
Look out for the fabulous I Naboli albums which are custom hand made for us over in Italy. They're so cool. They take a little longer to order but WOW! are they worth the wait? The range will be available to look at on our website very soon and we know you will knocking down our door to get one ordered for your wedding.
On Tuesday 15th I'm heading off to the SWPP / BPPA convention in London to catch up on all the latest trends and tech stuff to hit the UK Photographic industry and to mix a bit with other photographers.
I am going to have video clips for you to look at soon with really cool stuff that I'm going to be doing but in the meantime google have put some in for me. (enjoy)
Oh yes. A big welcome to our two new models, Sade and Kayleigh. You can see them both below. They are both new to the industry but are very keen so if you are looking for a model in the Lincolnshire area they would be very pleased to hear from you. If you E-mail me with your requirements then I will pass them on for you. (Please keep it clean.)
We will be posting more on here as we get it, so speak to you real soon.
Have a great day!