Saturday, November 08, 2008

Hey everyone.
I was told by my good friend Andrea the other day that I was not updating my my blog often enough. So here I am again letting you all know what I have been up to. I have a little story to tell you about and how I feel our health care is not what it should be. As some of my close friends know I have been suffering from a severe headache since 2002. It is always there but a different levels each day. I have learned to live with the pain now and don't pay too much attention to it. About a month ago I went to see my doctor and he referred me to a neurologist at Queens Medical Centre in Nottingham. I was given an examination (to my head before you get any silly ideas) and he felt I needed to have a brain scan. This came through quite quickly, in fact I was back at the hospital two weeks later laying down in the big noisy machine feeling like the filling being pushed into a sausage roll. Here I am now a further two weeks later and I've just received a letter saying "We are pleased to say that we have found no tumours, Aneurysms or diseases within you brain area. Your headaches will stop sometime in the future. Yours so on so on. Now stop me for being senile but how long is in the future. I've been suffering this for six years already with no let up and no real diagnosis from all the specialists. Does it mean that because I've had a scan that it is some kind of super machine that has somehow started to reverse the pain. If so it's not working yet!!! Well thanks for nothing. I took two days off work and a fortune was spent on getting to Nottingham only to be told NOTHING!! I could have told myself that for free. Anyway enough ranting.
Now for some good news. Last week I finaly got moved into my new studio. It is not massive but it is a lot better than where I was. I'm already getting bookings for sittings and have this week launched a new camera club for the Boston area. I've also decided that I am going to be letting other photographers have the use of the place as well (for a small fee of course). I'm also going to start holding photography courses once a month for those who would like to get into the photography business. I did this a year or so ago and they were very well received.
If anyone knows of people who would like to get into modelling, I am setting up a model register. I will be using models from time to time myself for regular shoots and I will also be trying to get work for them as well. So far I have a couple of students who wish to photograph subjects so as to gain knowledge of how a studio lighting setup works and for this I will need to use a couple of models myself.
Andrew, who came to me last monthfor a portfolio had his first modelling gig last sunday. I managed to get him a job where he was showing off male wedding outfits for a local outlet and looked really good up on the catwalk so look out fashion-tv he's on his way.
If your reading this Kim, I hope you've got sorted out with the course that never happened.
Oh yes and good luck to my chinese friends Shelly & Harry on the opening of their new resaurant in Grantham on Monday night. I'm really looking foreward to being there watching the dancing dragons and the firecrackers.


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