Sunday, February 08, 2009

Hey everyone.
Had a really busy month. The new studio has been a real success. I been taking images of all sorts from new borne babies to three generations of one family. I took the portable studio out to a hotel for a 40th birthday party with a James Bond theme. That was such a blast and everyone came in their tux's and ballgowns and there was also a fun casino on the go which raised a little cash for an Asthma chaity. I was also invited to my good friends Shelly & Harry's chinese restauraunt for chinese new year. I thought the food would never stop coming. There was so much I was starting to think we could have fed a small country. There was a raffle with some very nice prizes and sam, one of the waiters was given the job of handing them out to the winners. I started teaching a night school last month as well and that is going really well. I have been lucky onough to get five really nice people who are such good fun and are learning really quickly.
While I was at the SWPP convention last month I managed to get talking to Adam Woodyatt who is probably better known as Ian Beele from east Enders. He's such a nice guy. He's even put me on to a a chap who is promoting a band called Bo Peppers. They are awsome. You can see them on youtube at
Loads more been going on and I'll tell you all about it next time
Speak soon


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi Pete, glad to hear your new studio is complete, and already a success! I din't know Adam Woodyatt was at the SWPP event?
I took your advise and started a blog of my own, all inspired by yours of course!

Best wishes,
Alan Barnes